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14 June 2022

#NASHday 2022!

Thank you!

We want to thank everyone participating in this years International NASH Day. We had great talks and discussions and we look forward to participating in 2023! Shortly we will publish the talks here from our webinar.

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4 May 2022

International Nash Day ahead

On June 6th the International Nash Day organised by the Global Liver Institute is happening and we from the Swiss Nash Foundation are taking part as well!

Agenda and speakers will follow soon!

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1 November 2021

AASLDs Liver Meeting 2021 is coming up!

From November 12th till 15th 2021 the annual Liver Meeting organised by the AASLD – American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases is coming up and of course we will attend this year as well. Please follow us on Twitter where will discuss and chat during the conference.

Various liver topics will be discussed and you can filter for the NASH and NAFLD talks here

Filter for NASH and NAFLD

At the moment you will find 9 talks and workshops all around NASH and NAFLD.

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6 September 2021

Omega 3 and NASH

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11 August 2021

Call for Submission: Research grants of the Swiss NASH Foundation

Application for Research Grants of the Swiss NASH Foundation

In 2021, the Swiss NASH Foundation will for the first time award research grants for original research proposals. 

Eligible are individuals or groups who plan to conduct a research project in Switzerland or in collaboration with a Swiss group, in the field of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 

The aim of the grant of the Swiss NASH Foundation is to further cutting edge research in the field of non-alcoholic liver disease with a focus on interdisciplinary approaches. Research should have a clinical focus or clear clinical application.


  • An original research project in the field of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which will commence within the calendar year of 2022 (date of IRB/EC approval).
  • Individual authors or groups may apply.
  • Research activities were conducted mainly in Switzerland or in collaboration with a Swiss group.
  • Winners agree to participate in producing a short video and infographic on their research project in collaboration with members of the Swiss NASH social media team. These materials will be disseminated on the Swiss NASH social media channels.

Selection of the winner(s)

The winner(s) will be selected by an independent international panel of experts in the field of non-alcoholic liver disease. The winner(s) will be announced after the Swiss NASH Foundation Board Meeting in December 2021.

Required documents

  • Letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
  • Project description (max. 3 pages) covering the following: Aim, Methods, Significance, Timeline of the project, Budget, Role of the applicant in the project 
  • Curriculum Vitae

Documents should be submitted in English as a single PDF file by 15.09.2021 end of day (CET) to

info at

Aim of the Foundation

The Swiss NASH Foundation was launched in October 2019 in Bern, Switzerland. The Swiss NASH Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the dissemination of knowledge and raising of awareness about NASH. Through funding cutting edge research projects as well as increasing knowledge and awareness about NASH, the Foundation aims at contributing to treatment discovery as well as improving patients’ quality of life. 

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10 June 2021

Max Meyer Young Talent in NASH Prize and Max Meyer Research Prize awarded!

Thanks to medical research we have tools against hepatitis B and hepatitis C. We can vaccinate to prevent infection with hepatitis B. We can control with medication chronic hepatitis B. We can cure patients affected with chronic hepatitis C. Now the most frequent  liver disease affecting millions is non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Medical research still has to find treatment and biomarkers for this disease therefore this is with great pleasure and honor that we are giving prizes to investigators active in this field. The Max Meyer Young Talent in NASH Prize is going to a talented medical student Ms Pauline Fauroux working on biomarkers to better identify patients at risk to progress to cirrhosis. Ms Pauline Fauroux is working in Lyon and due to the pandemic situation is unable to come today to receive in person her prize.

The second prize, the Max Meyer Research Prize is going to Dr Yuly Mendoza for her publication on a simple combination of tests to select patients with advanced liver disease at risk of complications. Dr Mendoza got her MD degree in Colombia and is working for several years in Switzerland for her PhD. We congratulate both of you for your prize and wish you, in name of the Swiss NASH Foundation a lot of success for your future.

For regular update on new research follow our Twitter account:

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4 June 2021

International Nash Day

The International Nash Day organised by the Global Liver Institute (GLI) is coming up on the 10. June 2021 and we are happy to announce that we will take an active part in it!

The theme for the 2021 #NASHday is NASH Around the World!

Please join our global effort to raise awareness about nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the advanced form of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and the actions that people can take to address this life-threatening disease worldwide. 

If you register for the event you can join different panels on topics like:

  • NASH as a Global Public Health Challenge
  • NASH and Liver Cancer
  • NASH and Obesity
  • Pediatric NASH
  • NASH and Diabetes
  • Beyond the Biopsy: Innovations in Diagnostics
  • NASH in Lean Individuals
  • NASH: A Conversation in the Black Community

Please follow the hashtag #NashDay on Twitter for updates about this event We do appreciate if you follow us @swissnash as well 😉

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15 April 2021

Call for submissions: Research Prize of the Swiss NASH Foundation

Application for the Research Prize of the Swiss NASH Foundation 

In 2021, the Swiss NASH Foundation will for the second time award the Research Prize for an original research publication that was published between 01/2020 and 03/2021. Eligible are all individuals or groups who published their research activities, conducted in Switzerland or in collaboration with a Swiss group, in the field of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 

The aim of the prize of the Swiss NASH Foundation is to further cutting edge research in the field of non-alcoholic liver disease with a focus on interdisciplinary approaches. 

A prize of 5’000 CHF will be given to the winning group or individual. 


  • An original research publication in the field of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which was first published between 01/2020 and 03/2021. 
  • Individual authors or groups may apply. 
  • Research activities were conducted in Switzerland or in collaboration with a Swiss group. 
  • Winners agree to participate in producing a short video and infographic on their research project in collaboration with members of the Swiss NASH social media team. These materials will be disseminated on the Swiss NASH social media channels. 

Selection of the winner(s) 

The winner(s) will be selected by an independent international panel of experts in the field of non-alcoholic liver disease. The winner(s) will be announced during International NASH day on June 10th. 

Required documents and submission

  • Letter detailing the role of the submitted project in the context of NAFLD research and containing the date of first publication (max. 1 page). 
  • Copy of published manuscript. 

Documents should be submitted in English as a single PDF file by 15.05.2021 end of day (CET) to

info at swissnashFoundation dot org 

Aim of the Foundation 

The Swiss NASH Foundation was launched in October 2019 in Bern, Switzerland. The Swiss NASH Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the dissemination of knowledge and raising of awareness about NASH. Through funding cutting edge research projects as well as increasing knowledge and awareness about NASH, the Foundation aims at contributing to treatment discovery as well as improving patients’ quality of life. 

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7 April 2021

Call for submissions: Young Talent in NASH – Student prize of the Swiss NASH Foundation

Application for the Student prize of the Swiss NASH Foundation 

In 2021, the Swiss NASH Foundation will for the first time award the Young Talent in NASH prize to two exceptional students. Eligible are all students currently conducting or planning to conduct research activities in the field of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease within Switzerland or in collaboration with a Swiss group. Priority will be given to clinical, patient-centered research. 

The aim of the Student prize of the Swiss NASH Foundation is to further young talent in the field of non-alcoholic liver disease with a focus on developing skills to communicate scientific topics to an interdisciplinary and/or non-scientific audience (e.g. patients, caretakers). Participants are thus encouraged to elaborate on their plans regarding communication of their research topic and findings in their application. 

The prize of 1’500 CHF will be distributed equally among the winners. 


  • Bachelor or Master student at an institution of higher education. 
  • Research project in the field of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at a Swiss institution or with a Swiss group. The research activity should be ongoing or start within six months of application. 
  • Accepted publications or manuscripts are not eligible for evaluation but may be eligible for the category Research prize of the Swiss NASH Foundation. 
  • Winners agree to participate in science communication coaching with members of the Swiss NASH social media team to develop three contributions for dissemination on the Swiss NASH social media channels. 

Selection of the winners 

The winners will be selected by an independent international panel of experts in the field of non-alcoholic liver disease. Experts will be announced after the submission of proposals. 

Required documents and submission 

  • Letter of motivation (max. 1 page) 
  • Project description (max. 2 pages) covering the following: Aim, Methods, Significance, Timeline of the project, Role of the applicant in the project incl. brief concept for communication of research and findings 
  • Curriculum Vitae 

Documents should be submitted in English as a single PDF-file by 15.05.2021 end of day (CET) to: info at swissnashfoundation dot org 

Aim of the Foundation 

The Swiss NASH Foundation was launched in October 2019 in Bern, Switzerland. The Swiss NASH Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the dissemination of knowledge and raising of awareness about NASH. Through funding cutting edge research projects as well as increasing knowledge and awareness about NASH, the Foundation aims at contributing to treatment discovery as well as improving patients’ quality of life. 

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2 October 2019

Launched October 2019

The Swiss NASH Foundation was launched in October 2019 in Bern, Switzerland. In a joint effort to tackle the increasing prevalence and burden of NASH, scientific experts and the leading pharmaceutical companies: Gilead, Allergan, Genfit and Intercept have joined forces to establish The Swiss NASH Foundation. NASH is a worldwide epidemic disease affecting over 115 million people. Still, NASH remains an under-diagnosed and under-reported disease. Untreated NASH may lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver transplantation.

In the absence of a cure, the major treatment for NASH remains lifestyle changes including weight reduction, healthy diet and regular physical activity. The Swiss NASH Foundation’s mission is to raise awareness and increase the knowledge about NASH and fatty liver in general. Through funding innovative research projects on NASH diagnostics, treatment and patient management, the foundation is joining the fight against this epidemic disease.

Watch our video to learn more: