Founded in October 2019

The Swiss NASH Foundation was launched in October 2019 in Bern, Switzerland. In a joint effort to tackle the prevalence and burden of NASH, scientific experts and the leading pharmaceutical companies: Gilead, Allergan, Genfit and Intercept have joined forces to establish the foundation.

Swiss NASH Day

Swiss NASH Day is dedicated to increasing awareness about NASH and is scheduled the same week as the international NASH day. The Swiss NASH foundation is organising an event that will bring together different scientific and medical experts to discuss the latest advances in NASH research, treatment and patient management.

NASH is a worldwide epidemic disease affecting over 115 million people. Still, NASH remains an underdiagnosed and consequently an underreported disease. Untreated NASH may lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver transplantation.

Our mission

The Swiss NASH Foundation is a non-for-profit organization committed to the dissemination of knowledge and raising of awareness about NASH. Through funding cutting edge research projects and increasing the knowledge and awareness about NASH, the foundation aims at contributing to treatment discovery as well as improving the patients’ quality of life.

Our history

In a joint effort to tackle the increasing prevalence and burden of NASH, scientific experts and the leading pharmaceutical companies: Gilead, Allergan, Genfit and Intercept have joined forces to establish The Swiss NASH Foundation.

Our vision

Prevent, diagnose and cure NASH.

Find out more

Swiss NASH Foundation: Mission and goals



Living with NASH

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the consequence of abnormal fat accumulation in the liver leading to liver inflammation and damage. It is the most severe form of non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD), commonly called “fatty liver”. NASH is a worldwide epidemic disease affecting over 115 million people.
Still, NASH remains an under-diagnosed and consequently an underreported disease.

Many people live with NASH without knowing that they have a liver disease. The quality of life of these persons might be reduced due to their liver condition. Lifestyles can do a lot to improve NASH.
But changes in diet habits, regular physical activity are measures which can improve if not cure NASH.

Find out more

As medical professional or researcher you find more videos and papers here.

As a NASH patient we provide information of you here.

1) Our manuscript entitled « Circulating tumour DNA in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma across tumour stages and treatments” was recently released in Gut

@campani_claudia @CRCordeliers @SRebouissou @GUTJournal_BMJ @TZ_Hirsch @SImbeaud

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Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and risk of major adverse liver outcomes in patients with chronic liver disease and type 2 diabetes | Gut

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